Exploring Climate Change & Global Warming
Climate change is a alteration in the statistical properties of the climate system, which include temperature, humidity, wind and rainfall. It can be influenced by the oceans, land surfaces, atmosphere and ice sheets over geological time scales (usually at least 30 years). Changes in climate occur as a result of both natural and human-induced causes. Natural causes include “ changes in the sun's intensity, volcanic eruptions, or slow changes in the Earth's orbit around the sun and other natural processes within the climate system such as changes in ocean current circulation .” These slow changes build up over decades or centuries and result in changes such as the recurring ice ages. Man-made climate changes involve increasing atmospheric concentrations of CO 2 , methane, water vapor and nitrous oxide, and other chemically manufactured greenhouse gases. These include halocarbons, aerosols in the atmosphere which trap incident sunlight (the greenhouse effect), cutting down carb...